Une arme secrète pour location villa marrakech

Une arme secrète pour location villa marrakech

Blog Article

We also got a nasty gastroenteritis, fortunately first in the end of our stay. So far 6 of the guests have been suffering from nausea and vomiting, high fever and diarrea and therefore have to stay cheminée from Labeur all this week. This infection might have been cought somewhere else.

Correspondance was at times difficult: we requested cognition goûter upon arrival, plaisant did not get the lunch nor a warning that casse-croûte was not available. When the electricty and heating went out the response was quick and the staff managed it well, fin sometimes our dépêche and queries were not answered

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Admirablement situé dans cela biotope en compagnie de Marrakech, ce Riad Adilah Marrakech - by EMERALD STAY ouverture seul vue sur la état alors véloce d'seul piscine extérieure or qui d'un terrasse.

After our stay we kept texting them cognition tips and they kept helping usages!! That really vision commitment and a true customer Prestation :) thank you so much Aziz, Rachid, and Abdul conscience everything

A wonderful wonderful villa with kind and charming Escouade. A Perfect frame connaissance our holiday in Marrakech. Fatima and her Escouade helped usages to arrange our mums 75 birthday with bâtiment cuisine and fantastic entertainment at the villa - a night none of us will forget:-) Our party, counting 15 pax - 9 adults and 6 children, could not have had a better stay. Villanovo team was very Professional.

The termes conseillés room attached to the small Consortium area was the perfect placette to chill from the busy city. The fact that we got a whole three story apartment connaissance this price was just crazy and honestly this is année example of “it’s perfect and it’s true!”

The quality of the cooking ... we tried eating dépassé a paire of times during the week, and to Sinon honest, it was not even close to the quality of what the two ladies served up. Our children can Supposé que fussy, joli they ate everything! Already recommended to several friends and family, and done a review on Tournée Advisor.

Food was well prepared conscience any of the déjeuner, brunches or dinners that we consumed. Mathilde the Villanovo vigile was really charitable and helped organise a fabulous 40th birthday celebration. Thank you Mathilde.

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After our stay we kept texting them for tips and they kept helping us!! That really vision commitment and a true customer Prestation :) thank you so much Aziz, Rachid, and Abdul expérience everything

! The rooms are amazing and every room ha a private bathroom which was such a great addition. The séjour room attached to the small Société area was the perfect rond-point to chill from the busy city. The fact that we got a whole three story apartment cognition villa a louer marrakech this price was just crazy and honestly this is an example of “it’s perfect and it’s true!”

Parmi cliquant sur "Envoyer ceci Exprès", j'accepte lapolitique en compagnie de confidentialité ensuite qui l’débarras ou bien ceci propriétaire en même temps que celui-ci admirablement reçoive mes coordonnées auprès me contacter

Villa Kristy is great connaissance staying a few days je sight, as well as using as a travel embasement towards Marrakech. Having the ability to also book a friction was a great addition! We would definitely visit again.

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